British Journal Of Dermatology

The British Journal of Dermatology (BJD) is one of the most prestigious publications within the field of medicine, more precisely dermatology. A professional periodical, the journal is published for the benefit of professionals working within the field to enhance knowledge and stimulate debate.

Joining other medical journals, the BJD is an established source of information which is widely read and referred to by dermatologists both at home and overseas.


The BJD is published by medical printing experts Wiley-Blackwell, along with a number of other prestigious medical journals on the request of the British Association of Dermatologists. A peer-reviewed medical journal, the BJD covers all aspects of dermatology.

It has been in circulation since 1888 and originally focused exclusively on dermatology in clinical practice. However, since the middle of the 20th century, the development of research into both the experimental pathology and physiology of the skin has seen a distinct shift. The journal now encompasses a fuller range of papers which includes ethical clinical and experimental research, making it relevant to both clinicians and laboratory technicians alike.

All aspects of the pathology and biology of the skin can be discussed among the papers with the aim of improving the management, understanding and treatment of the various skin diseases, including the outcome for the patients.

In more depth

Although the BJD is produced by the British Association of Dermatologists, it receives contributions from dermatology professionals from all over the world. All of the submissions are peer-reviewed and must hold appeal for a multidisciplinary audience, as well as being original and of scientific merit.

There are a number of different categories within the journal that a paper may be submitted to:

  • contact dermatitis & allergy
  • clinical and laboratory investigations
  • cutaneous biology
  • dermatopathology
  • dermatological surgery & lasers
  • epidemiology & health services research
  • photobiology
  • paediatric dermatology
  • Therapeutics

The aim of the journal is to reduce the time between submission and publication by using a variety of reviewers who ensure the integrity. As well as being available in print, the BJD is accessible online. Subscriptions include either individual articles or multi-licenses to suit.

The BJD is not a profit-making endeavour. Any surpluses generated are donated to the British Association of Dermatologists’ cause of “Healthy Skin for All”, which includes both research and education.


The impact factor is one way to measure the relevance of any medical journal. This involves a complex calculation which considers the number of citations in any given year compared to the number of articles published.

Although it’s not without some flaws, the impact factor is an excellent way to compare journals within the same field against each other objectively. This is because the impact factor is one way of measuring the relevance of the articles being published, and the interest of the wider community in the content. The Journal Citation Reports is the body who publishes the impact score, with more than 12,100 publications included in its ranking.

In 2017, the BJD achieved an impact factor of 6.129. To put this into context, only 5% of journals listed in the Journal Citation Reports achieved a score of 6 or greater. This high ranking demonstrates the importance of the BJD in the field of medicine and dermatology.

The immediacy index is a similar measure which looks at a shorter period, and the citations made within it. The BJD scored 1.726 on the Immediacy Index. Again, for context, the World Health Organisation bulletin scored 1.126, a comparison which outlines the very high ranking of the BJD.

Examples of some of the most cited articles from the BJD in the last three years include:

  • A systematic review of worldwide incidence of non-melanoma skin cancer
  • Variability in the clinical pattern of cutaneous side‐effects of drugs with systemic symptoms: does a DRESS syndrome really exist?
  • The epidemiology of skin cancer
  • Skin microbiota: a source of disease or defence?

The British Association of Dermatologists

The British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) is the body responsible for the publication of the BJD. They are a charitable organisation who work alongside the Department of Health in the UK, with the aim of promoting research, training, practice and teaching of dermatology.

Involving commissioners nationwide, as well as patient organisations, they provide advice on best practice and the provision of healthcare relating to dermatology in various settings.

The BAD was created in 1920 and has a registered board of trustees and an executive committee; all members of the latter are respected dermatologists who have been elected into their position by the members.

As well as providing professional publications, the BAD also provide support and advice directly to the general public. On their website a number of factsheets can be found on general skin care as well as specific diseases.