First printed in 1974, the Journal of Oral Rehabilitation is a professional publication which deals with all aspects of dentistry and oral care. Offering far more than simple physiology the publication seeks to address the hot topics within oral rehabilitation today.
The Journal of Oral Rehabilitation (JOR) is a peer-reviewed medical journal which could be described as similar to The Lancet, but within the field of oral care. With just six issues released every year, it’s not a prolific publication but does provide a steady stream of high-quality dental articles for professional to consider.
The History and Background
The JOR is a well-established medical journal, having been first published in 1974. Its content is just as relevant today as it’s ever been, bringing the latest research, news and developments to professionals working within oral rehabilitation and care.
Describing itself as covering everything from “oral physiology to advanced clinical dentistry”, the JOR addresses the cutting edge of dental science. It aims to comprehensively comment on a range of issues including developmental defects, systemic and local diseases plus facial and oral functional disturbances.
The scope of the content seeks to cover a range of evidence-based dentistry issues which apply to practice, research and teaching. Both clinical management and diagnostic viewpoints are included throughout.
The medical journal is printed in English but is distributed globally, being supported by the World Health Organisation. It is printed by medical journal experts Wiley-Blackwell as part of their international Scientific, Technical and Medical operation.
Although the publication is printed and made available in paper format, it can also be viewed online at the Wiley-Blackwell website. Access is restricted to those who have paid for a subscription.
Peer-Reviewed Content
As a technical journal, the idea is to stimulate critical conversations about new, controversial and developing dental stories. This may include commentary as well as professional debates in some sections of the publication.
Although the JOR is a peer-reviewed publication, it invites carefully-selected commercial enterprises to engage with in order to further develop its forum and bring together the science and industrial worlds of dentistry.
The JOR welcomes the submission of papers and articles from its members, on the proviso that they will subject it to intense scrutiny prior to publication. Any papers which are considered to be potentially within scope are reviewed by a minimum of two independent parties. Both the scientific value and originality of each paper are assessed.
The types of papers accepted include:
- Case reports
- Reviews
- Original Research
- Letters to the Editor/Correspondence
Each of the above must follow strict guidelines regarding length of content and format, but may contain any of the following:
- Diagnostic studies
- Randomised clinical trials
- Qualitative research
- Systemic reviews or meta-analysis
- Observational studies
The accepted protocols for each of the above must be adhered to prior to submission. Randomised clinical trials are particularly welcomed by the publication, providing they are of the accepted standard.
Out of all of the above potential submissions, case reports are the hardest to gain approval for. The JOR currently rejects approximately 90% of case reports. This is because it strives to uphold the highest standards for its content, with each article delivering real value.
Global Endeavour
The JOR is a globally-recognised publication which has gained prestige within the medical community. This is evidenced by its inclusion in the SCImago Journal Rank, holding 25th position out of 197 named listings.
SCImago is an evaluation resource for the scientific community and the inclusion of JOR in the ranking is based on a number of factors, including the H index which stands at an impressive 81. SCImago also considers the number of documents published in the last year, and the last three years as well as the total number of cites in the last three years which for JOR stood at 767.
The structure of the JOR includes an editorial board, assistant and associate editors, and the editor. All of these individuals have been selected from a wide variety of countries around the world to ensure there is international representation and voice. There are currently 19 countries represented within the editorial board. This breadth of experience and diversity has helped to secure JOR’s place in the SCImago rankings.
A Journal for Professionals
The Journal of Oral Rehabilitation has been in circulation for many years and is accepted as one of the authorities in the field of dental and oral science. The content includes a variety of issues such as pharmacological, psychological, biological, toxicological and material science so there is a fused approach to each and every case.
The JOR bridges the gap between the new technology and developments in the field and clinical practice, bringing information to practitioners and helping them become better informed.